Hiring in the Age of the Remote Worker: Three Ways to Be More Effective

Written by David Salters on January 5, 2022

Warren Averett remote worker image

“The Remote Revolution” was peeking over the corporate horizon long before COVID-19 altered the world. Now that workers have tasted the fruits of professional freedom, remote work—and hybrid work—is here to stay.

Remote work has steadily increased since the beginning of the pandemic, and it continues to do so, with 36% of companies sharing that they are willing to hire fully remote workers who live inside or outside the United States. Before that, a meager 12% of organizations were receptive to the concept, notes The Conference Board (TCB).

A survey of more than 1,000 hiring managers indicates that 40.7 million Americans expect to be working remotely by 2026, according to a remote work trends report by Upwork Inc.—that’s 4.5 million more than in a previous poll the year prior—and about 21 million above pre-pandemic levels.

Whether your business is ready to navigate (or has been navigating) a non-centralized workplace paradigm populated by a remote workforce, chances are that your recruiting might have some catching up to do.

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So, what does the future of remote work mean to your company’s future recruiting strategy?

How Can You Hire Effectively in the Age of a Remote Workforce?

Now that remote work is here indefinitely, everyone is searching for the best ways to guard their business’s productivity and profits while also keeping employees happy—which, let’s face it, both need to come together in harmony.

In fact, a company’s ability and willingness to offer work-from-home and other flexible work arrangements is crucial to attracting and retaining top talent for your key employment positions. Yet, recruiting a remote worker is simply different than the traditional process of conducting in-person interviews as was the norm until just a few years ago.

Let’s look at three ways to make sure that when you’re recruiting remote workers, you’re doing it as effectively as possible with your company’s objectives and your team members’ needs all in mind.

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1. Carefully Navigate Complexities Regarding Compensation

Many employers consider remote or hybrid work solutions perks of their own, which might tempt them to offer lower salaries than before. Further, about 65% of surveyed workers report willingness to accept a pay-cut to continue or begin working from home. However, such an attitude might not continue long-term, as remote work becomes the new standard.

Many employers are considering one of two compensation options:

  • Set remote worker pay rates based on local, regional or national standards for the employee’s area; or
  • Base the remote worker’s pay on the overall structure for the position, set by the organization’s main location.

When considering financial impacts on your business, don’t be short-sighted when it comes to employee compensation. Keep in mind that, while employees are able to save money and enjoy benefits, your business is likely to as well. You might eventually find that you can downsize your on-site operations, saving in lease, utility and maintenance fees.

Also, some benefits may be more indirect. Happy employees provide a certain degree of value, no matter where they are.

2. Broaden Your Talent Pool Access Exponentially

One of the greatest advantages of hiring remote employees is the ability to recruit outside of your immediate geography, so don’t be afraid to pursue candidates who may be located far beyond your footprint.

In September 2020, Donna Shliechkorn of Forbes asked the pivotal professional question for the current age: “Are You Limiting Your Talent Pool By Not Offering A Remote Work Option?” The answer is undoubtedly “yes” in today’s technology-rich marketplace.

Consider tech-based precursors like telemedicine and how it helped rural patients gain access to valuable medical care without long and challenging commutes to cities. Similarly, employers can now reach talented candidates in small rural areas outside of town, across the country or even on the other side of the world.

You might let down the floodgates for perfect or near-perfect matches for each role and its requirements in a profound new way, even if the candidate never steps foot in your brick-and-mortar office.

3. Increase Work-Life Balance for Employees

Amid the chaos of COVID-19, when employers sent employees home with the technology and equipment needed to perform their duties, workers discovered the profound effects of working in a more relaxed environment.

Serendipitously, many employers and employees found the ever-elusive work-life balance that human resource management professionals had sought for several years before the pandemic.

Without a traffic-hour commute, a rush to grab and eat lunch, and long hours away from family, friends and pets, remote employees discovered they could meet and exceed productivity while also getting more joy out of life.

Instead of fearing the impact of this away-from-office shift on your organization, use its benefits to your advantage when it comes to recruiting remote workers. The benefits may surprise you.

Is Your Business Prepared for the Needs of Remote Workers?

If your executive and human resource management teams are still finding your footing while navigating the future of remote working, trying to maintain peak productivity, and wondering how to keep employees happy with flexible work strategies, Warren Averett Staffing & Recruiting can help. We continue to monitor the marketplace to understand what workers want and what employers can offer to help everyone sort it all out.

Our Staffing & Recruiting team is brimming with experience and enthusiasm when it comes to executive staffing and recruitment, compensation design and other vital HR services. We’ll help you find the right candidates for in-house, remote or flexible needs.

When you’re ready, schedule a time to chat with us to discuss how we can help your company with remote work trends and much more.

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